Jurnal Lasallian Vol. 14 No. 1 Bulan Februari Tahun 2017

Special Events And Stakeholders’ Perspectives

(A Case Of 17 Agustus Event As A Potentially Sustainable Tourist Attraction)


Teddy Tandaju

Program Studi Manajemen

Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado

e-mail: ttandaju@unikadelasalle.ac.id


This discussion paper provides a literature-review-based overview of the importance of special events in relation to its direct stakeholders. There are a variety of advantages that stakeholders may benefit from the conducts of special events. Thus, the analysis of special events’ impact on the stakeholders needs to be strengthened and elaborated. It is recommended that stakeholders, especially those who hold stronger concerns on tourism development pay attention on what aspects support the success of special events. This paper further discussed the prosperously potential event of 17 Agustus as one of great assets for Indonesia to plunge into better tourism development. The event of 17 Agustus has its own uniqueness and distinctive aspects for tourists to experience compared to the same event in other countries. Thus, it is strongly suggested that government and direct stakeholder pay close attention on how to develop marketing communication strategies in order to enlighten and elevate the moment of 17 Agustus to be a sustainable tourist attraction. To support the success of 17 Agustus special event, the participative roles of community members in all provinces are indeed required. The benefits of special events to communities can be massive and extensive. Festivals and events have impacts that go beyond what can be measured in economic terms. They accordingly contribute to the quality of life across Indonesia by strengthening communities, providing unique activities and events, building awareness of diverse culture and identities, acting as a source of community pride. 17 Agustus special event may serve this as well. This event is a national joy and celebration and surely reoccurs annually. Thus, the prospect of 17 Agustus as a tourist attraction is promising.


Keywords:       Special event, Stakeholder, Festival, 17 Agustus, Impacts, Community, Sustainability, Profits, Tourist, Visitors, Attraction, Tourism, Development.




Ignatia Rosali Honandar

Program Studi Akuntansi

Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado

e-mail: ihonandar@unikadelasalle.ac.id



Based on Law no. 24 in 2011, Jamsostek mandated to carry out duties as Social Security Executing Agency (BPJS) Employment. The National Social Security System Law (SJSN) issued October 28, 2011, provides guarantees for the fulfillment of basic needs of life for each participant and/or members of his family. Therefore, the National Social Security Council was established to monitor and evaluate the implementation of national social security; And the National Social Security Management Agency (BPJSN) was formed to organize social security programs. So that PT. Jamsostek has a new role as Social Security Implementing Agency (BPJS) Employment. The problem arising from such transformation is the fiscal impact of the application of Law no. 24 of 2011 is against the state finances. From the budget side, the government is not ready to support the social security burden of labor that must be borne by BPJS.The results of this case analysis show that in ten years, the return on investment will equal the initial investment value, which means that the payback period (PB) of the investment becomes too long, therefore the investment can be considered less profitable. While the results of the Net Present Value (NPV) shows a negative value from the beginning of the year to the tenth year which means that the project is not acceptable. And if you look at the result of Profitability Index (PI) 0.61 which means that the present value ratio of net cash flow of future investment to cash outflows is only 0.61 and that below 1 means investment is not acceptable. Based on the results of this case analysis, if the government only relies on the return rate of Rp. 14.500.000.000.000,00 from the investment of Rp.,00 it is not good enough for BPJS later to be able to operate. Therefore, there must be better fund management than what is planned now.


Keywords:       Strategic Steps, Payback Period, and Net Present Value.




Chenny P. K. Sondak1, Rila Mandala2, Immanuela P. Saputro3

Program Studi Teknik Informatika13

Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado13

Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Elektro dan Informatika2

e-mail: sondakchenny@gmail.com1, mandala_rila@yahoo.com2, isaputro@unikadelasalle.ac.id3



Kantor Administrasi Akademik (KAA) is one of working unit at Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado which is related to student services. Excellent service should be prioritized to ensure student satisfaction. This study aims to analyze the level of student satisfaction of academic services by KAA using five aspects are reliability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty, and tangible. To analyze of student satisfaction used fuzzy logic Mamdani and Sugeno which implemented in Matlab R2013a. The result show that responsiveness and assurance aspects of KAA are in less satisfactory domain so those need to be improved. Based on 40 data test, application of Analysis Student Satisfaction of Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado to Academic Services Using Fuzzy Logic has a performance of 70% by Mamdani method and 67,5% by Sugeno Method.


Keywords:       Academic, Mamdani, Service, Fuzzy Logic, Students




Oktavianus Wayan Semuel

Program Studi Hospitality dan Pariwisata

Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado

e-mail: osemuel@unikadelasalle.ac.id



Tourism has been proven to encourage economic growth through investment opportunities, job opportunities, business opportunities and ultimately can improve the welfare of the community. The opportunity to try not only in the form of development of tourism facilities and infrastructure and also impact on the surrounding environment. Visits of both domestic and foreign tourists are closely related to the development of hotels where tourists will stay temporarily during tourism travel activities not only that when the activity took place very impact on the surrounding environment. So it will be very good if all the facilities and infrastructure as well as the surrounding environment continues to be created and treated so as to advance the tourist destination.


Keywords:       Tourism, Environment, Development of Hotel, Tourist




Patricia Petrus

Program Studi Manajemen

Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado

e-mail: ppetrus@unikadelasalle.ac.id



Unavailability of goods to be sold may result in loss of potential revenue for the company. This research focuses on the risks that come from the failure of inventory information systems. Based on the business impact analysis stage of the identified risk of errors in computer servers in the data center.  The risk causing delays in the ordering of goods with total financial loss of Rp. 50.000.000 and acceptance of goods from suppliers of Rp. 5.000.000. Severity level of the risk is intermediate level. As for the operational impact is level high.Total losses faced by the company is very detrimental to the company. Therefore, it is necessary to implement business continuity strategy development. The alternative that companies can do is increase server capacity, companies must also consider the information technology infrastructure, such as the adequacy of electric power, fire protection, and control over the physical access security of the infrastructure.


Keywords:       Risk, Business Impact Analysis, Business Continuity Strategy




Ryan Laksmana Singgeta

Program Studi Teknik Elektro

Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado

e-mail: rsinggeta@unikadelasalle.ac.id



The development of emerging technologies is hydroponic plant cultivation. Hydroponic gardening has spiked in popularity. The quality and productivity of hydroponically grown plants have been improved. Automation is the true focus of technological advances in agriculture, and it is already employed on farms around the world. This journal presents a design the PID controller to maintain the pH level based on Raspberry Pi. The Ziegler-Nichols method is used for tuning the parameters of the PID controller. The results of the proposed control system show that the stability of the pH level is guaranteed in the set point 6.


Keywords:       Hydroponic, PID Controller, Ziegler-Nichols, Raspberry Pi.




Junaidy B. Sanger1, Fitri Insani2, Priyo P. Nugroho3

Program Studi Teknik Informatika12

Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado1

Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau2

Institut Pertanian Bogor3

e-mail: jsanger@unikadelasalle.ac.id1, fitri.insani@uin-suska.ac.id2, priyobanget@gmail.com3



This study focuses on the development of an expert system that contains the knowledge of an expert who is believed to be the truth so as to help network officers to identify and address the disruption of Internet network services quickly and accurately. The stages of the expert system developed are the identification of internet network problems, the search for sources of knowledge, the acquisition of knowledge with 10 interruptions and 21 causes of interference from experts, knowledge representation, inference engine development using j48 classification algorithms with the help of weka applications, and system implementation. The system has been successfully created with an inference engine accuracy of 91.8%.


Keywords:       Expert System, Internet Network Problems, J48, Weka




Laurensi M. Sasube1, Aldian H. Luntungan2

Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan1

Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado1

Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado2

e-mail: msasube@unikadelasalle.ac.id1, aldianhein@gmail.com2



The spread of parasitic resistance has neccessitated the development of new drugs and drug targets for the treatment of Malaria. Currently a new approach targeting cyclin dependent protein kinase (CDK) becomes more interesting since several protein kinase have been characterized from the genome of the malaria-causing protozoan P.falciparum. CDKs play important role in regulating cell growth and differentiation; however their role is poorly understood  but provide numerous opportunities to develop target-specific drugs. This research examined three antimalarial compounds, two of them are on oxindole group SU4312 and GW5074, one compound is CDK2/5 along with the antimalarial drugs. The aim of this study is to analyze CDK inhibitor activity against P.falciparum strain W2, D6, K1. The level of CDK inhibitor activity against three strains of  P. falciparum, W2, D6 and  K1 was determined by measuring the concentration of the compounds that can inhibit fifty percent of the parasite growth (IC50) in in vitro culture. Our finding that GW5074 has the lowest IC50 means that in low concentration GW5074 can inhibit fifty percent of the parasite growth. This indicates that GW5074 has a strong antimalarial activity compare to CDK2/5 and SU4312. On the other hand CDK2/5 demonstated the lowest antimaralial activity among those three compounds.


Keywords:       Cyclin dependent protein kinase (CDK), Antimalaria, Plasmodium falciparum